AQ Enduro tours offer off-road enthusiasts the opportunity to leave the blacktop and let their trailbike's wheel off the beaten path. Great trailriding destinations are still to be found in the Enduro-friendly South, for example in Italy. Drawing on more than 20 years of experience, we and the local organisator's team accompany and cater for you throughout these multi-day events.
Guided by experienced local riders of the Italian NO-CODE team, the motorcyclist passes through scenic Mediterranean landscapes. Strictly limited numbers of participants guarantee a laid-back, enjoyable setting, true to the motto RIDE & FUN, also including good food and warm local hospitality. Offroad experience is desirable and suitable equipment a requirement.
The HardAlpiTour (or short: HAT) events are organized by Italian tour company Over2000Riders and aims to cater the tougher ones among the offroad touring community. Mostly on rough gravel roads and tracks, the tour runs from the famous coastal town of San Remo through the breathtaking mountain landscapes of the Alps up to Sestriere. In the "Extreme"-category of HAT, the rider has 36 to 44 hours to cover 920 mostly rough kilometres. Guidance is provided by provided GPS-tracking, otherwise the participants are free to manage the distance on their own. Offroad experience is desirable and suitable equipment a requirement.